Results for 'Galo Rumiguano Urbano'

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    La antijuridicidad de las concausas.Galo Rumiguano Urbano - 2009 - Quito: Editorial Juridica del Ecuador.
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    Maffeo Barberini, Urbano VIII ou o Papa poeta.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2007 - Humanitas 59:165-184.
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    El pensamiento de Francisco de Vitoria: filosofía política e indio americano.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 1992 - Iztapalapa, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa.
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  4. Juan Gines de Sepulveda's Democrates secundus, rhetoric or ideology?Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (247):83-107.
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    Advertising. From strategic planning to media implementation.Raluca Galos - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):356-361.
    Review of Delia Cristina Balaban, Advertising. From Strategic Planning to Media Implementation, (Iaşi: Polirom, 2009).
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    Sports' Sociology.Raluca Galos - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):218-223.
    Review of Cristina Gavriluţă, Nicu Gavriluţă, Sociologia sportului. Toerii, metode, aplicaţii (Sports' Sociology. Theories, methods, applications) , (Iaşi: Polirom Publishing House, 2010).
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    Transsexualism and the Canonical Order.Urbano Cardinal Navarrete - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (1):105-118.
    Issues surrounding transsexualism, especially when surgical operations have been performed to achieve the desired sex, can create serious problems for canon law. After an examination of how sex is determined, the author provides a clear explanation of transsexualism and then differentiates it from hermaphroditism, homosexuality, and transvestitism. Transsexualism’s effect on the liciety of marriage is analyzed, followed by an exploration of considerations regarding transsexualism and Holy Orders. Finally, transsexualism and the vowed religious life are examined. The author encourages those faced (...)
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    Trayectoria crítica del concepto de etnogénesis.Galo Luna Penna - 2014 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 24 (2):167-179.
    En el año 2006 se reconoció constitucionalmente la etnia diaguita como parte de los pueblos originarios de Chile. En paralelo, se generó un amplio debate que transitó desde lo político hasta lo académico, éste último haciendo referencia a los enfoques interpretativos de este fenómeno. De esta discusión surgieron diferentes terminologías para retratar este proceso, tales como la emergencia indígena y reetnificación. Sin embargo, a mi juicio, hubo un concepto que fue quedando atrás, al menos en el debate formal; el de (...)
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    “I Am Datafied Because We Are Datafied”: an Ubuntu Perspective on (Relational) Privacy.Urbano Reviglio & Rogers Alunge - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (4):595-612.
    The debate on the ethics of privacy has been mainly dominated by Western perspectives, to the exclusion of broader ethical theories and socio-cultural perspectives. This imbalance carries risks; transplanted ethical norms and values can collide with those of the communities in which they are deployed. The consequent homogenization might also represent a missed opportunity to enrich and develop the current paradigm of privacy protection so as to effectively face new technological challenges. This article introduces and discusses the sub-Saharan philosophy of (...)
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  10. Santo Tomas de Aquino Y Juan Pablo II, defensores de los derechos de la inteligencia y las relaciones entre fe y cultura.Urbano Alonso del Campo - 2003 - Ciencia Tomista 130 (420):5.
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    RESEÑA de : Ferrer, Urbano. Welt und Praxis : schritte zu einer phänomenologischen handlungstheorie. Würzburg : Königshausen and Neumann, 2005.Urbano Ferrer - 2008 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:443.
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    Serendipity as an emerging design principle of the infosphere: challenges and opportunities.Urbano Reviglio - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (2):151-166.
    Underestimated for a long time, serendipity is an increasingly recognized design principle of the infosphere. Being influenced by environmental and human factors, the experience of serendipity encompasses fundamental phases of production, distribution and consumption of information. On the one hand, design information architectures for serendipity increases the diversity of information encountered as well as users’ control over information processes. On the other hand, serendipity is a capability. It helps individuals to internalize and adopt strategies that increase the chances of experiencing (...)
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  13. Vida activa, virtud y gloria en la etapa italiana de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda (1515-1536).Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (169):421-455.
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    Sobre Acción, deber, donación de Urbano Ferrer.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2017 - Madrid: Ideas y Libros Ediciones.
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    On the Decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Regarding Male Impotence.Urbano Navarrete - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (4):733-754.
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  16. A consciência e as fronteiras do humano.Urbano Maestre Sidoncha - 2006 - In Pedro M. S. Alves, José Manuel Santos & Alexandre Franco de Sá (eds.), Humano e inumano: a dignidade do homem e os novos desafios: actas do. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Da possibilidade de Uma Fenomenologia implícita em Kant e Descartes Uma breve perspectiva.Urbano Mestre Sidoncha - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):93-108.
    In this paper, we will consider the following issue: the innovative dimension of E. Husserl’s phenomenology repeatedly finds in the philosophies of Descartes and Kant a clear obstacle for its full comprehension. After all, is it not the case that the former discipline is just an extension of the perspectives stated by those earlier philosophers? But, to state the idea of a hidden phenomenology in the philosophies of Descartes and Kant has not, as its unavoidable counterpart, the dependence and the (...)
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    (1 other version)O Debate - possível - entre materialismo reducionista e fenomenologia.Urbano Mestre Sidoncha - 2007 - Phainomenon 14 (1):279-294.
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  19. Aportaciones de la fenomenología a la teoría contemporánea de la acción.Urbano Ferrer - 2004 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 32:131-144.
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    A Reabilitação Do Sensível Em Merleau-Ponty Tendo Como Pano De Fundo A Filosofia De Kant.Urbano Mestre Sidoncha - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):141-156.
    In this paper, we want to address the Merieau Ponty’s thesis which states that occidentai philosophical tradition mistreats sensibiiity. It’s not as we had some kind of substantial doubt regarding this statement which is, in fact, historically and philosophically accurate. However, what is not clear enough is the reason for disregarding the notable effort developed by Kant to restore its value and importance. Thus, we will first attend Kant’s sensibility doctrine which underlies both knowledge and taste, and concentrate subsequently on (...)
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  21. Apresentação ; Filosofia e educação.Urbano Zilles - 1981 - In Ari Pedro Oro, Urbano Zilles & Antônio Renato Henriques (eds.), Filosofia da educação. Porto Alegre, RS: Escola Superior de Teologia São Lourenço de Brindes.
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    A imortalidade da Alma em platão E plotino.Urbano Zilles - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (4):603-612.
    O presente trabalho trata da questão da imortalidade da alma, um tema com o qual o ser humano se ocupa há milênios, tanto no âmbito da religião como no da filosofia. Inicialmente, define-se o que se entende por imortali-dade e, num segundo momento, aborda-se essa questão em dois expoentes da filosofia antiga, Platão e Plotino.
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    A sacralidade da vida.Urbano Zilles - 2007 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 12 (2):101-114.
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    Fé e razão no pensamento medieval.Urbano Zilles - 1993 - Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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    Grandes tendências na filosofia do século XX e sua influência no Brasil.Urbano Zilles - 1987 - [Caxias do Sul, RS]: EDUCS.
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    É a Fenomenologia uma Psicologia disfarçada?Urbano Mestre Sidoncha - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):177-192.
    Considering the problem of a supposed hidden psychology as the question which, in practice, shows the true face of Husserlian phenomenology is to put, from the very beginning, the relation between psychology and phenomenology in a misguided way. In fact, what is to be considered is the decisive influence psychology has in the route systematically followed by the discipline created by E. Husserl, and whether or not such influence can meet its latter transcendental dimension.
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  27. La persona y su cuerpo: el valor de la vida humana.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (1):69-88.
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    É possível estudar os fenómenos mentais sem os destruir na sua essência? um debate entre fodor e husserl.Urbano Mestre Sidoncha - 2001 - Phainomenon 3 (1):67-87.
    One of the most significant marks of this article is the attempt to establish the idea that a new phenomenological approach is needed for the study consciousness and all it’s features. The point is that the old demand for a scientific approach to consciousness shouldn’t be, as it has been, incompatible with de need to preserve the essential nature of consciousness. Unfortunately, that’s precisely the case in the majority of the proposals related with the study of consciousness. The debate with (...)
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  29. María, paradigma del creyente en su camino hacia Jesús.Maria Del Urbano Delgado - 2002 - Verdad y Vida 60 (234):327-342.
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    The effects of naloxone on hoarding in the Syrian hamster.Micaela Urbano & Ralph G. Noble - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (6):340-342.
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    De la teoría de sistemas a la unidad teleológica del viviente.Urbano Ferrer - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:7-20.
    The article examines the notion of open system as suitable for giving an account of dynamism of living being. However difficulties come by trying to incorporate the finality to the system, since it´s fixed as a state from outside or is established in the improper terms of autoproductivity and neguentropye. That leads to explain the final cause in interaction with the other intrinsecal causes, in as much they remain incomplete without her. Whith the passage to human living the linear scheme (...)
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    The philosophical life: biography and the crafting of intellectual identity in late antiquity.Arthur P. Urbano - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    Ancient biographies were more than accounts of the deeds of past heroes and guides for moral living. They were also arenas for debating pressing philosophical questions and establishing intellectual credentials, as Arthur P. Urbano argues in this study of biographies composed in Late Antiquity.
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    Filosofía, historia y presente: homenaje a Urbano Gil Ortega.Urbano Gil Ortega & José Ma Aguirre (eds.) - 1993 - Vitoria: Editorial Eset.
  34. Carácter y autodominio en las virtudes humanas.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (74):581-600.
    This paper interprets the character and self-control as the two chief keys of the sistematic unity of human virtues, according to the thought of Saint Josemaria. First, the character is not only forged through acts, but more definitively it amounts to the identity of the heart in a biblical sense. Secondly, self-control by several ways preserves the unity of the person among the plurality of expressions corresponding to each virtue.
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  35. De la teoría general del valor a una ética de fines en Husserl.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (1):41-60.
    In this first stage of his Ethics Husserl stresses on the theory of value. The teleology seems necessary to him to form the concept of not objectivant act. Nevertheless since the essays after the second world war the striving and volountary end will be more and more central in this ethical thought.
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  36. El viviente desde la teoría de sistemas y desde la tetracausalidad.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2007 - Studia Poliana 9:7-22.
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    La libertad en crecimiento: consideraciones a partir de la obra de Leonardo Polo.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2013 - Studia Poliana 15:165-178.
    Para explicar el crecimiento en el querer libre se parte de la libertad como actividad constitutiva en el acto de ser personal y a través del yo quiero se la extiende a los actos de la voluntad. Estos actos se prolongan en forma curva desde simplex volitio hasta el ordo amoris. El crecimiento curvo se transmite al querer-hacer en sus distintas dimensiones, tales como la acción técnica, la cultura integrada en la praxis y el quehacer histórico.
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    Los soportes de la intencionalidad cognoscitiva.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1977 - Anuario Filosófico 10 (1):71-104.
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    Notas sobre la razón histórica: dos intentos de fundamentación.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (1):157-168.
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  40. Symposium de Filosofía en Liechtenstein. Schaan, 28-30 de octubre de 1986.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 8:215-217.
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  41. Temporalidad e historia en E. Stein.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico 31 (62):843-872.
    In this paper I intend to classify the modes of temporality and to place History within the Sciences of Spirit according to Edith Stein's thought. Its specific treatment refers temporality and History to lays of the person (body, psyche, spirit). While the passives associations of immanent time correspond to corporal and psychic levels of the person, the historical succession is made possible by the intentions which derive from the spirit. And thus as history consists of a unity not reducible to (...)
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  42. Una mujer que vivió su nombre: María de la Pasión.M. C. Urbano Delgado - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (230):141-158.
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    Levinas and interfaith dialogue.Ryan C. Urbano - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):148-161.
    For Levinas dialogue occurs when one is open to and receptive of the Other. He cautions, however, that although dialogue impedes violence, it should not be pursued unilaterally or vigorously, because this can also lead to violence. The abolition of violence, which is the goal at which dialogue aims, can instead turn violent in the face of unrestrained persuasive discourse. Vigilance and caution must be maintained if dialogue is not to lapse into hostility and aggression. It is important to respect (...)
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  44. De la autodeterminación del existente a la aceptación del ser en la analítica existencial heideggeriana.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2001 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 3:179-194.
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    Evidencias particulares y evidencia.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 1982 - Anuario Filosófico 15 (2):189-202.
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    MARINA, JOSÉ ANTONIO, Dictamen sobe Dios, Anagrama, Madrid, 2001, 272 págs.Urbano Ferrer Santos - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico:511-513.
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    Presentación: “Cien años de escolasticismo ibérico (1526-1617) y el debate en torno a la llamada Escuela de Salamanca”.Francisco Castilla Urbano & Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    El objetivo perseguido al aceptar coordinar este monográfico fue proporcionar un estado de la cuestión sobre las diferentes materias a las que habían podido contribuir los escritores que habitualmente se asocian a la Escuela de Salamanca en el período comprendido entre la llegada del dominico Francisco de Vitoria a Salamanca y el fallecimiento del jesuita Francisco Suárez. La misma existencia de la Escuela nos parecía que merecía una consideración por parte de los investigadores que colaboraran en el número que tan (...)
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  48. La libertad en crecimiento. Consideraciones a partir de la obra de L. Polo.Urbano Ferrer - 2013 - Studia Poliana 15:165-178.
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  49. Enseñando y aprendiendo ética.por Galo Bilbao - 2018 - In Pedro M. Sasía, Xabier Etxeberria, Javier Martínez Contreras & Galo Bilbao Alberdi (eds.), La perspectiva ética. Madrid: Tecnos.
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  50. Conocimientos alimentarios Y estado nutricional.Urbanos de Chillan de Los Escolares, Nutritional Condition Of City, RAÚLNÚ ASTÍAS, M. Aría A. Ngélica M. Ardones, H. ERNÁNDEZ & T. Eresa P. Incheira - 2002 - Theoria 11:27-33.
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